

The Parsenn was designed by Keith Steadman in 1949 for Jeremy Fry (Of Fry's Chocolate and cousin of Joe Fry of the Freikaiserwagen). The name derives from a favourite skiing area near Klosters in Switzerland. It was a particularly light car with a space frame of narrow steel tubes, loosely based on an Iota. Partly as a result, it suffered from some vibration related breakages and the pair reengineered the rear to create a separate sub frame for mounting the JAP engine and gearbox. The engine enjoyed the attentions of Robin Jackson, allegedly to the point that non of Mr Prestwich's product remained.

Suspension was by rubber, in torsion at the front and rubber rings in compression at the rear supporting a swing axle. The Parsenn went well in hill climbs and sprints where it competed regularly in the hands of Jeremy, Keith and later Denis Poore.

The Parsenn still exists in the hands of the Fry family.

Shelsley Walsh with Jeremy making the return run, probably the 11th June '49 meeting when Jeremy was second to Eric Brandon's Cooper. Behind is Clive Lones in Tiger Kitten.

Silverstone paddock, May 1949. Probably post race as they inspect the cause of Joe's retirement. Thanks to Ian Cameron.

We believe that this was the 100 Mile Race at Silverstone on the 9th July 1949. Photo by kind courtesy of Michael Aikey.

Jeremy Fry at Shelsley, 24th September '49. Photo courtesy Shelsley Archive

Is this why they are all peering at the Parsenn's rear? A snippet from Iota, November '49.

Some results for the Parsenn:

Silverstone 14th May 1949 British Grand Prix, DNF

Prescott Hill 22nd May 1949, 13th

Shelsley Walsh 11th June 1949, 2nd

Bouley Bay 21st July 1949, 1st

Shelsley Walsh 24th September 1949 (up to 750cc class), 2nd

Weston-super-Mare 8th October 1949, 10th & 15th

Goodwood 27th May 1950 International Trophy, 3rd in heat, DNF in final

Shelsley Walsh 10th June 1950, 1st





If anyone has any more details or photos, please get in touch.