A listing of clubs, individuals and friends. Not all have web sites but, where they do, you can click on the logo to go to their site. Please mention the 500 Owners Association to them.
The following companies have received approval to supply Manx Norton engines to the specifications RE1 and RE2 in the 500 OA Technical Regulations:
C&R Engines (RE2 spec) – contact Charlie Banyard-Smith 0178 8822091
FWD (RE2 spec) – contact Fred Walmsley 01788 822091
Molnar Precision Ltd (RE1 & RE2 spec) – contact Andy Molnar 01772 700700
Savage Racing (RE2 spec) – contact Andy Savage 07469 248987
Summerfield Racing Ltd (RE1 spec) – contact Jerry Summerfield 01773 833025
The 500 Owners Association Ltd. offers the above addresses as information of general interest only. No recommendation should be inferred and no liability may be accepted for any act or omission of any addressee.