Günter Lenssen

Günter Lenssen

Günter Lenssen started in a Grün in 1953. By '54, the West Germans were in the latest Coopers so overall wins were impossible but he managed third in the East German Championship to Willy Lehmann and Gerhard Demmrich. It was similar story in '55 and '56 and he took second, again to Lehmann.

Some results for Günter:

Halle Saale Schleife 20th September 1953, 6th


Leipzig 16th May 1954, 2nd

Halle Saale Schleife 8th August 1954, 4th

Sachsenring 15th August 1954, 5th


Leipzig 5th June 1955, 6th

Halle Saale Schleife 3rd July 1955, 5th

Sachsenring 14th August 1955, 4th


Leipzig 6th May 1956, 5th

Halle Salle Schleife 17th June 1956, 5th

Dessau 23rd September 1956

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