Urgent notice. Please be aware that due to circumstances beyond the club’s control the venue of the AGM and prize giving has been changed to the Gaydon Motor museum, Banbury Road, Gaydon, Warwickshire. CV35 0BJ. Arrival 10-10:30am Tea/Coffee/Biscuits Lunch 1:00pm Prize giving starting at 2.00pm
The 500 Owners Association are excited to release the provisional calendar for both circuit racing and speed events. This provisional calendar can be found by clicking Here
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the 500 Owners Association Limited will be held on Saturday 25th January 2025, at Wroxall Abbey, Wroxall, Warwickshire, CV35 7NB, commencing at 10:30am
The White Swan Hotel, Rother Street, Stratford on Avon. CV37 6NH. 01789 297022. The meeting commences at 10.00am for 10.30am with Coffee/Tea and Pastries. Lunch is at 1.00pm. Sandwiches, Salad and Chips in the bar area. Followed by Tea/Coffee in the room. The meeting finishes at 4.00pm. Tea/Coffee served in the room. Dinner is Black … Continued
Following an enjoyable weekend at Brands Hatch the race results, report and updated championship points table have been added to the circuit racing page. The final circuit race of the season approaches at Lydden Hill on August Bank Holiday Monday 28th
The glorious Devon sunshine welcomed 96 cars and 31 bikes to the beautiful Wiscombe Park hillclimb last weekend.The results and report can be found on the Wiscombe Page of the website.
Some of the documents for our Wiscombe Park hillclimb on 20th May have been added. On the Wiscombe page you will find “final Instruction”, “Paddock Plan”, “Batch List” and “Commentator’s Sheet”. We look forward to seeing as many people as possible at this beautiful venue on 20th May.
Mike Wood has put together a report and the results from the season opening Loton Park hillclimb held on 8th April. This can be found on the events page.
From today, 8th April, entries are open for the first three circuit races of our 2023 season. For all online entries and event information as it becomes available, please use Purple Lap
It is with great sadness that we bring you the news of the death of John Turner on Saturday 25th February. John was fundamental in the creation of the current 500 Owners Association back in the late 1960’s. He served as membership secretary for 16 years and worked tirelessly in getting 500’s back on the hills and circuits. John started competing on the hills with a 500 in 1964 with his first event at Prescott. He went on to … Continued
Motorsport UK has published a consultation document about proposed changes to track limit regulations. It is available to view here The closing date for comments is 20 February.
In order to encourage younger drivers into competition with a 500 the Club has decided to offer all drivers aged 30 or under as at 1st January 2023 a discount of 50% on the entry fee for the first five Speed Championship rounds they enter during this season. A driver will be sent a rebate after the event, and to qualify … Continued
The last competitive event of our season took place at Prescott on October 1st. 12 drivers were entered, including Jan Nycz in his last event in the Staride before the car moved on to pastures new and some roundy roundy rather than uppy downy that it has been used to. The weather stayed dry and … Continued
We had 19 entrants for our final circuit racing event of the season. The event was moved a week earlier to hopefully avoid the monsoon conditions of the last two years. This proved a great idea and we were blessed with beautiful sunshine all day. Once again Alex Wilson took the top step followed by … Continued
An invitation sprint was held at Goodwood on 10th September. Two 500 entrants made the long trip South to compete on this famous circuit. Mike Wood has put together a report which can be found on the events page under invitation events. or it is available to read here
Charles Reynolds has put together a report of the latest speed championship round held at Loton Park over the August Bank Holiday weekend. This report can be found on the events page.
Richard Hodges has put together another comprehensive race report from the most recent circuit race at Mallory Park. This can ber found on the events page or here.
Five drivers took up the invitation to compete at Gurston Down on the 28th August. Mike Wood has once again put fingers to the keyboard to prepare a report which can be found here.
With plenty of notice for those of you with busy diaries, the 2022 AGM will be held on Saturday 21st January 2023 at The White Swan Hotel, Rother Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6NH Many of you will remember the venue from last year’s after AGM dinner, where guests enjoyed a wonderful meal in great surroundings, with no small thanks to Richard Fuller, who has once again organised the venue for this years AGM where we are holding … Continued
On the 13th August six 500s took the opportunity to compete at Goodwood in the Brighton & Hove Motor Club’s organised sprint event. Mike Wood has compiled a report that can be found here.
Following a two day weekend of hillclimbing, at Shelsley Walsh in Mid July, Mike Wood has kindly compiled a pair of race reports which have been added to the events page and also updated the current championship points table (again on the events page)
On the circuit events page you will find the results from the most recent Silverstone event and a comprehensive race report courtesy of Richard Hodges have been added.
Mike Wood has kindly written a report on our recent speed championship hillclimb events at Gurston Down and Shelsley Walsh. These can be found on the events page for hillclimb and sprints.
We managed to get 13 entries for our first return to Donington Park since 2014. Sadly Michael Brough did not make it and once again the weather was wet for most of the day. Tom Waterfield was victorious once again followed by Alex Wilson and newcomer Harry Painter in the freshly restored Cooper Mk 7. … Continued
The sun was shining brightly on us for our annual Wiscombe Park event. Mike Wood has kindly penned a report for this event which can be found on the Events and Wiscombe pages and also here
Mike Wood has written a report on the season opening hillclimb at Gurston Down. This can be found on the events page or by clicking here. The full results of our own Wiscombe Park hillclimb have also been uploaded and are located on both the events and Wiscombe pages or by clicking here.
Our events pages have been updated with the 2022 race and hill climbs. This includes links to purple lap, for our circuit meetings, and our Wiscombe on line entries.
On line entries are now open for our club’s own annual hillclimb event at Wiscombe Park on Saturday May 7th 2022. Links to both the regulations and on-line entry system, courtesy of the Woolbridge Motor Club, can be found on our Wiscombe page of the website.
The 500OA have compiled a flier of competitive events for 2022 which can be found here. As soon as they become available entry forms/details, regulations and results will be added to the events page. Lets hope the weather is kind to us and we have some close and competitive racing.
500OA AGM - January 15th 2022 - British Motor Museum, Gaydon
Dec 08, 2021
We are pleased to report that we have booked a ‘real’ AGM and Prizegiving, for the 2021 competitive events. We have held the date, as previously announced, this being the 15th January 2022. The AGM will be held at The British Motor Museum at Gaydon (CV35 0BJ) which we have frequented before. … Continued
We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Gerry Goodwin at the age of 91. Gerry was well known to much of the 500 fraternity having helped many members with JAP engine builds for both 500s and speedway bikes. We send our deepest condolences to his family and friends.
Our annual AGM and prize giving is planned for Saturday 15th January. The venue is still to be confirmed but we will have our now usual dinner on the Saturday night following the AGM. Keep the date free and more information will be announced as it becomes available.
Mike Wood has composed a race report for our Don Parker Trophy race at the recent Goodwood 78th Members’ Meeting. This along with the results can be found on the circuit racing events page.
The much delayed 78th Members’ Meeting took place at Goodwood over the weekend of 16th/17th October. The weather in the main was kind to us and 30 cars took to the race track. George Shackleton took his first long awaited win at Goodwood. Results can be found on the circuit racing page.
The final round of the circuit racing championship took place on Saturday 2nd October in wet conditions once more. The race was won by Tom Waterfield in Tim Ross’ Cooper. The results and race report courtesy of John Furlong are available on the circuit racing page.
Simon Dedman took his maiden 500 victory at Snetterton over the weekend of 7th/8th August in the first of our 2 races. The event celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the Snetterton circuit and the 500s were supporting the British GT and GB3 championship in front of a large spectator audience. On the events page you … Continued
Mike Wood has kindly sent in a report for the “Invitation” event that took place at Shelsley Walsh on 24th July. This can be found on the events page or here
Snetterton will be celebrating its 70th birthday during August at the British GT championship event where the 500s will be in attendance with our own championship races over the weekend of 7th/8th August. George and Robin Shackleton’s Cooper Mk XI and Cooper Van were in attendance at the media introduction to this exciting event. A … Continued
Entries have now closed with a full entry list. Our Wiscombe page has been updated to now enable competitors, marshalls and officials to complete their on line declaration. Also Final instructions, entry lists, paddock plan and batch lists have been added.
Last weekend saw the first event of our circuit racing championship. George Shackleton took both race wins followed by Chris Wilson and Xavier Kingsland. Full results can be found on the events page. The championship moves onto our own Wiscombe Park hillclimb on the 8th May
Our April 17th race at Silverstone is now a double header; so, 15 minutes of qualifying followed by two 15 minute races. Also included are a limited number of free garage spaces and free transponder hire to those that do not own transponders. The event will be operating under Covid-19 regulations, so please read … Continued
The regulations and entry forms for our annual event at Wiscombe park Hillclimb our now live on the Wiscombe page. As of 7th March 2021 we already have 51 entries with every indication that the event could be full very soon. To visit our Wiscombe page and enter the event on line, courtesy of the … Continued
After careful consideration and in light of the UK Government’s statement earlier this week, Goodwood have taken the decision to postpone the 78th Members’ Meeting until 16-17 October 2021.
Motorsport UK Confirms Motorsport will restart in England from 29th March
Feb 23, 2021
Motorsport UK is pleased to announce that organised Permitted motorsport can resume in England with effect from 29 March, subject to local restrictions and in accordance with its own Restart Guidance. This confirmation follows the announcement on 22 February by Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the third lockdown imposed on 4 January will be lifted, … Continued
Motorsport UK explains post-Brexit process for European transport
Jan 12, 2021
On 31 December 2020, the temporary transition arrangements in place between the EU and the UK expired, affecting the movement of motorsport vehicles and equipment to the EU. Following advice, Motorsport UK understands that an ATA Carnet will be required to temporarily move motorsport vehicles and equipment across the border. An ATA Carnet is an … Continued
Happy New Year. The Hillclimb and Circuit event pages have been updated with the 2021 dates. At the moment the regulations etc. refer to 2020 and will be updated once the 2021 versions have been published.
We continue to get good press coverage with mentions in the race reports from the Castle Combe Autumn Classic appearing in both Autosport and Classic and Sportscar magazines. Our most recent star was Richard Kelley and the Whitfill Special who featured in Motoring News. A copy of the Motosport news article can found here
Classic & Sportscar - December 2017 500 Track Tests
Nov 13, 2020
We have managed to obtain an electronic version of the track tests first published in the December 2017 issue of Classic & Sportscar magazine. This has had to be split into 2 sections and can be found; Part 1 and Part 2
On Saturday 31st October 2020 Goodwood hosted the AC Owner’s Club for their annual sprint meeting. The 500OA were represented by Stephanie Wilton in the Mackson. A report of the event has been provided by Robin Shackleton with photographs by Daniel Lackey can be found here.
Notice of Annual General Meeting - 5th December 2020
Nov 08, 2020
it is not possible to hold the AGM as the club would have wished, and after a recent club committee meeting the decision has been made to hold a online AGM. We will utilise software that is simple and easy to use, enabling as many members as possible to join in, to hear about plans for the 2021 season on the circuits and hills, as … Continued
With thanks to the publishers of Octane magazine we have been given permission to re-produce their article on 500s that was published in the October 2020 issue. The full article can be read here.
The 2020 competition season is now over and Mike Wood has kindly sent in reports to cover the Shelsley Walsh hillclimb event held on 20th September here and the Castle Combe sprint here. Our thanks go to all of the event organisers, marshalls, club committee and competitors who have enabled us to have some events … Continued
An impressive field of 21 cars and drivers took to a wet track at Castle Combe on 3rd October. Mike Fowler took the win of our one and only circuit racing event of 2020. Results can be found here
Castle Combe Autumn Classic - Entries are now open
Aug 18, 2020
At last some very good news for all of our circuit racing members, Castle Combe is ON, but only for the 3rd October. Entries have opened today on Purple Lap
Max Mackintosh takes the victory at Shelsley Walsh
Jul 28, 2020
The hillclimb season finally got underway at Shelsley Walsh on Saturday 25th July. The victory was taken by Max Mackintosh by a mere 4/100ths of a second from his dad Finlay. Results: 125 Max Mackintosh 40.62 39.28 124 Finlay Mackintosh 39.32 39.62 123 Jonathan Lawrence 40.37 39.46 121 Vic Deane 41.16 40.76 126 Jan … Continued
The 500OA are deeply saddened to report that long time competitor David Stevenson recently passed away. Duncan Rabagliati has provided the following words: If there was one true legend who epitomised a “good life” and both the fun of and success on two wheels, then in our 500cc F3, and also in Formula Junior, … Continued
Sir Stirling Moss - An Obituary from Nigel Challis
Apr 14, 2020
Our club Chairman, Nigel Challis, has put together a tribute to Sir Stirling Moss, who died in the early hours of Easter Sunday. Stirling, having made his name in 500s, was an honorary member of the 500 Owners Association. Nigel’s obituary can be found here
In September 2015 a very personal film, made in collaboration with Credit Suisse, revealed new insights into the extraordinary life of motorsporting icon Sir Stirling Moss. Stirling, who dominated the international scene in the 1950s and early-’60s, chats candidly ahead of the 18th running of the Goodwood Revival at the circuit where he achieved so … Continued
It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Sir Stirling Moss, who died in the early hours of 12 April aged 90. Moss cut his teeth in 500cc competition, having bought a Cooper-JAP in 1948 and quickly made his mark in the motorcycle-engined machines. Born in London in 1929, Moss was widely … Continued
Motorsport UK Extends Suspension of Motorsport Permits to 30th June
Mar 24, 2020
In light of recent developments in the COVID-19 crisis, and following the address to the nation by the Prime Minister on the evening of 23rd March, Motorsport UK has today extended its suspension of all organising permits and Certificates of Exemption for motorsport events until at least 30th June. This move provides clear guidance to event … Continued
Today, Wiscombe Ltd have asked all clubs holding events at Wiscombe in May, to postpone their events in the light of the coronavirus epidemic. Whilst Wiscombe Ltd believe that we would have great problems in marshalling our meeting, their overriding concern is that of being able to have sufficient time to prepare and set up … Continued
Tuesday 17 March 2020 It is with regret that Motorsport UK is suspending all organising permits and Certificates of Exemption until at least 30th April 2020. This suspension follows the latest guidance issued by HM UK Government in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. This position will be constantly reviewed given prevailing information. As the National Governing Body, we … Continued
Circuit Racing Entries Are now On-line with Purple Lap
Mar 04, 2020
Following our friends at FJHRA signing up with the Purple Lap online race entry system, the 500OA are also adopting the system. Instructions can be found here and on line registration can be found using this link.
Once again the 500oA will be organising its flagship event at Wiscombe Park on Saturday 9th May. This event will be a round of both the speed and circuit championships. Regulations can be found Regulations and the Entry Form. If you cannot compete in this we are looking for volunteer marshalls, specifically: 4 x Startline … Continued
There has been a great deal going on behind the scenes since the start of the year that has resulted in some changes to the calendar and confirmation of event pricing. Following discussions with the VSCC, they have now offered us a single race at Silverstone rather than a double header, and in order to comply with MSUK & FIA rules regarding overseas rounds of a British Racing Championship, we can … Continued
It is with great sadness that we have to inform you all of the untimely death of Joy Rainey, whilst holidaying, in Australia the country of her birth. Joy had motorsport running through her veins from birth, and her father, Murray Rainey a talented engineer, was Australian Formula Three Champion on three occasions. Joy’s own … Continued
The annual Cooper Reunion Lunch will be held on Sunday 8th March 2020 at Sunbury-on-Thames. Opportunity to meet some of the original Cooper factory employees. All are welcome although numbers are limited, so don’t be last minute dot com For tickets please contact Cooper Car Club Sec, Debbie Dawson v23deb@hotmail.co.uk
Following the club’s AGM on Saturday 16th November we are almost ready to publish our championship calendars for both Hillclimb/Sprints and circuits. Watch this space for an imminent announcement………
Once again a club member received a “suspicious” response to an advert on this website. As a result: “Members should satisfy themselves as to the bona fide of any emails that they receive offering to buy good or supply wanted items listed on the website”
Lydden Hill 12th October - Double header non championship races
Oct 14, 2019
Whilst competitors endured wet and sometimes windy conditions, the smiles on their faces said it all - A great day of competition with Chris Wilson taking the win in both races, followed by Karl Jones in second and Roy Hunt in third.
Many of you will already be aware of the recent very sad news of the death of Richard Utley. The 500 Owners Association members wish to pass on their condolences to Christine his wife, and family and close friends, many of whom are within the 500 OA membership and racing fraternity. Richard was very … Continued
2019 Speed Championship goes to John Dent at Prescott
Oct 08, 2019
Once again, club honorary member John Dent showed all the young pretenders how to drive a 500 effectively by winning the final round at Prescott. On a drying track, John stayed ahead of 500 all rounder Fin Mackintosh and Mark Dent taking third. With JAP power in 1st and 3rd positions, Jan Nycz was 4th … Continued
It is with deep regret to announce the recent death of Colin Rawlinson. Colin was a staunch 500 competitor, supporter and well renowned author, and I know that all of our members would wish to pass on their condolences to Colin’s family and close friends.
Race and Speed Competitors - Catch Tanks - PLEASE READ
Mar 04, 2019
We would like to remind all Race and Speed Competitors that a Catch Tank must be fitted to each car. There is a minimum requirement for catch tank sizes to be 2 litres for oil at race meetings and 1 litre for oil at speed events
With the demise of 500cc Formula 3 on the Circuits at the end of 1962, these cars became obsolete and almost worthless. Some of them found their way to the hillclimb and sprint scene.
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