Adolf Glunz

Adolf Glunz

Adolf Glunz was born in June 1916 in Bresegard, northern Germany. He was a prolific competitor in his Scampolo from the end of '49, through 1950, where he finished ninth overall in the West German championship, and '51 but disappears thereafter and we know very little about him. Please get in touch if you know anything

Some results for Adolf:

Köln 2nd October 1949, 4th


Nürburgring 11th June 1950, 3rd

Tübingen 17th June 1950, DNF

Schottenring 25th June 1950, DNF

Leverkusen 2nd July 1950, 2nd

Donauringrennen 30th July 1950, 3rd

Freiburg 6th August 1950, 8th

Solitude 12th August 1950, 6th

Nürburgring 20th August 1950 German Grand Prix, DNF

Grenzlandring 17th September 1950, 5th

Feldbergrennen 1st October 1950, 5th


Krefeld 6th May 1951, 3rd

Hockenheim 14th May 1951, DNF in heat 1

Nürburgring 3rd June 1951, 16th

Kiel 17th June 1951, 3rd

Avus 1st July 1951, 5th in heat, DNF in final

Donauringrennen 8th July 1951, DNF

Leverkusen 15th July 1951, 4th

Nürburgring 29th July 1951 German Grand Prix, DNF

Freiburg 5th August 1951, 14th

Grenzlandring 9th September 1951, 12th

Essen 23rd September 1951, 2nd

Please get in touch if you know more.